2015 Food from the Bar
Food & Funds Challenge
June 22 – July 17

The Association for Women Attorneys is hosting the 4th Annual New Orleans Food from the Bar Campaign. In 2014, we raised nearly $24,000 to support Second Harvest during the challenging summer months, and we hope to raise even more this year. This campaign is part of a food drive by legal communities across the country, in which participants raise funds for and donate food to local food banks. Food from the Bar helps Second Harvest replenish food bank supplies in anticipation of higher demand during summer months when demand is high and inventory is low.

 How it works

 We challenge your firm to sponsor the event and to participate in a competitive food and fundraising drive intended to inspire a little healthy competition between our law firms and to support the Food from the Bar campaign. During the campaign, which begins on Monday, June 22, 2015 and ends on Friday, July 17, 2015, your firm will be awarded points for firm sponsorships, individual attorney and staff financial donations, and food donations to Second Harvest Food Bank.   Real time donations can be made to Second Harvest directly through the participating firm’s individual Food from the Bar website that will be set up by Second Harvest, or can be made by cash, check and/or food donations that will be picked up during the week of July 20th.  Online raffles of great prizes will occur during the drive, and your participation in the raffles will be counted towards your firm’s points, so stay tuned.  The firms with the highest score overall and per capita at the end of the drive will each win a snoball party at their office!


 $1 donated = 1 point
5 pounds of food donated = 1 point

Detailed information:

Click here for a letter from the AWA and Second Harvest explaining the Food from the Bar Campaign.

Click here for a letter explaining how the challenge works.

Click here for the Sponsorship Form.

For more information or questions, please contact:

Rose S. Sher / 582-1556 / rsher@sessions-law.com

Hillary Barnett Lambert / 596-2808 / hlambert@mcglinchey.com

Kathryn Gsell / 729-2820 / kgsell@secondharvest.org