Thursday December 17, 2015 – Thursday December 17, 2015

300 Gravier Street

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Join us for the Annual AWA Holiday Tea on Thursday, December 17, 2015, 3:00 p.m. at the Windsor Court.

The cost for the Tea is $61/person. Payment must be prepaid! If you do not pay via Paypal, please send payment to AWA directly to:

Linda A. Graffagnini
Litigation Paralegal
Sher Garner Cahill Richter Klein & Hilbert, L.L.C.
909 Poydras Street, Suite 2800
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112

SEATING IS LIMITED. The Windsor Court is requiring a definite headcount by December 11th, so RSVP by 5 p.m. on 12/10 to reserve your spot!
