The AWA is seeking donations to create an honorarium in the name of one of our founding members, Dot Waldrup.

The Dot Waldrup Memorial Award recognizes Dot’s many years of legal work representing victims of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. Dot conducted employer-sponsored workshops, educating hundreds of employees to recognize and avoid gender discrimination, bias and inequity in the workplace. Dot fought tirelessly for the victims of sexual harassment and gender inequality, as well as other forms of employment discrimination.

The honorarium will be presented in the form of an award given to a student at the Newcomb College Institute. The award will recognize the recipient’s academic achievements in studying issues of gender in the workplace.

Our goal is to fund a $500 yearly monetary award in Dot’s name. The donations we receive will determine how many years we can provide for this award.

If you would like to contribute, please mail a check payable to the AWA (please note the award in the memo line) to:

Association for Women Attorneys
P.O. Box 52076
New Orleans, Louisiana 70152-2076

Or, you can send a donation to our Paypal account, (Please note the award in the memo field).

If you have any questions, please contact us at