The LIFT Incubator Project at the NOFJC is for new or transitioning attorneys starting their own solo, small firm, or nonprofit practice focused on representing survivors of domestic violence. LIFT Incubator Attorneys supplement and expand the legal services offered on-site at NOFJC. In addition to Temporary Restraining Orders, Protective Orders, and family law related services in Orleans Parish, LIFT Incubator Attorneys may provide general civil legal representation outside of Orleans Parish for a variety of legal issues not served by other on-site attorneys.
During the 18-month program, attorneys selected to participate receive subsidized office space, supplies, and free resources. The office space is located in the Central Business District, just blocks from the Orleans Civil District Court. The attorneys also receive training and mentorship as they work alongside experienced Southeast Louisiana Legal Services legal practitioners. In exchange for the training and incubation of their practice, attorneys agree to provide pro bono representation to domestic violence victims.
Louisiana licensed attorneys with 0-5 years practice experience who plan to develop or have begun to develop a solo or small law practice and are committed to serving survivors of domestic violence are encouraged to apply. The program is looking for two attorneys. The application process deadline is February 20, 2018.
Click here for an Application. Please send your completed application in one PDF file to ATJ Training and Projects Counsel Amy Duncan