The AWA is excited to announce the Food from the Bar Campaign raised #33,960 and 2,179 lbs. of food for Second Harvest Food Bank! Special thanks goes out to Camille Bryant & Stephanie Graf Gamble for co-chairing this year’s campaign. First place overall goes to...
UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF LOUISIANA PUBLIC NOTICE The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana is seeking qualified applicants to fill a vacancy in the position of United States Magistrate Judge for the Eastern District...
As one of our 2015 Fall Community Outreach Projects, the AWA has committed to providing Thanksgiving dinner to the women and children at Metropolitan Center for Women and Children again this year! Metro offers individual and group counseling and assistance for...
Save the date! The AWA is co-hosing a special reception honoring ABA President Paulette Brown. 11/6/15 Louisiana Supreme Court (400 Royal Street) 5:30 – 7:30 pm. For more information click here.
As one of its initiatives in the legal community, the AWA has committed to award $500 annually to an outstanding law clinic student from each of the two local law schools, whose work has focused on issues important to the AWA. At Tulane, the $500 award is given to the...
It’s time to pay dues for 2015! You can renew your membership and pay dues online or download a 2015 membership application to mail in with your dues check. Click here.